introducing lewis homer.

Lewis Homer
1 min readOct 20, 2018


I’m not really sure how blogs work or what on earth i’m supposed to say in one but here we go: My name is Lewis and I am currently studying Product Design at Edinburgh Napier University. As part of my course I am required to document my experiences on the ‘Visual Research Methods’ module and upload them to a blog that will be assessed at the end of the year.

I will be going to visit several locations and museums to broaden my understanding and knowledge on design and the design world in general and I will be taking inspiration from all the things that I may see along the way. I’m excited to see what the next four years have in store for me and how my experiences are going to shape and mould me as a student and also as a person.

Anyway — welcome to my blog. I look forward to sharing my experiences on here and i hope you do too.

Thanks for visiting,




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