Allbutton Airless Pen

Lewis Homer
2 min readNov 5, 2018


It’s the small annoyances in life that really get to you: when you have to insert your charger in a specific way for it to work, when your key doesnt quite fit properly into the door, when your pen drys out and you have to scribble on the back of an envelope to get it going.

One company has figured out a way in which to end the drying out of pens forever. The Allbutton Airless Pen features a vacuum-sealed tube and a teeny tiny little hatch to prevent airflow within the pen itself.

They are pretty affordable aswell, at only $9 for 3 pens you’re getting a bit of bang for your buck. They also come in sets of multiple colours that you recieve in a gorgeous canvas roll that are going for a little over $1 per pen.

I have decided to share this because i love how ingenious this design idea is. The designers have identified a problem that everyone can relate to and have come up with a solution that is simple and easy to mass produce. I am t=not the only person who feels this way because as of 05/11/2018 at 10:52 am, the kickstarted page has 642 backers and has raised upwards of $30,000 out of the $10,000 goal.



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